
Apr 261 min

Korean Stone Art Museum: Where Korea’s Past Shapes the Present

Located in Seongbuk-dong, between Bukhansan and Hanyang Fortress, stands the Korean Stone Art Museum. This sanctuary houses an array of stone sculptures, each a testament to Korea's enduring culture and history.

The museum showcases a diverse collection of stone sculptures, ranging from literary figures to Buddhist imagery. These artifacts offer insight into Korea's artistic evolution over the centuries. As you step into its serene surroundings, you are immediately transported into a world where the whispers of ancient stones echo the timeless stories of Korea's past.

Beyond the stone sculptures, the indoor exhibition offers visitors a chance to admire traditional embroidery pieces and contemporary artworks.

Whether you're an art enthusiast or a casual visitor, the Korean Stone Art Museum provides a space for contemplation and discovery. It invites guests to immerse themselves in Korea's cultural heritage and find inspiration in its beauty.


66, Daesagwan-ro 13-gil, Seoul, South Korea

Operating Hours

10:00 ~ 18:00  (Last Entry 17:00)

Tuesday ~ Sunday / Closed on Mondays


Photo source: Seoul Metropolitan Government
